
Prostitutes/ Escorts/ Sex/ Ukraine/ Lugansk

23 December
Prostitutes/ Escorts/ Sex/ Ukraine/ Lugansk
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The life of prostitutes in Lugansk: realities, difficulties and stereotypes

The life of sex workers is one of the most complex and controversial topics, which often causes both condemnation and curiosity in society. In Lugansk, as in any other city, prostitution exists despite legal prohibitions and social taboos. This article is dedicated to understanding the real living conditions of women who have chosen or are forced to engage in this activity, and to showing what difficulties and stereotypes they face.

Whores/ Escorts/ Sex/ Ukraine/ Lugansk/ LNR

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Social and economic reasons

Prostitution in Lugansk, as in other regions of Ukraine, is largely a consequence of economic instability. In conditions of low wages, unemployment and lack of social guarantees, many women find themselves in a desperate situation. For some of them, prostitution becomes the only way to provide for themselves and their loved ones.

How to independently search for a prostitute

Before meeting a prostitute, you need to decide who exactly you need. Yes, yes, I understand that a girl is needed (most likely), but workers in the intimate business are different: meeting format, parameters, price category, meeting place, type of advertising, way of communicating with clients, type of services, etc., etc.

By the type of meeting, all prostitutes can be divided into three categories:

  • Individual - works for herself. Answers calls herself, filters clients herself, places ads on specialized sites herself. All by herself.
  • Prostitutes working through intermediaries (managers, dispatchers, escort agents). In this case, the girl only accepts clients, and the intermediary takes care of everything else, from organizing the meeting itself to security and advertising. Intermediaries work with several courtesans at once, so they can replace the girl, lie about the cost, and dissemble about the correspondence to the photo.
  • Brothels. A brothel, also known as an intimate salon, is also a kind of intermediary, only here the administrator answers the calls, and in the salon itself there is always the opportunity to choose from several girls.

All whores can be roughly divided into four price categories: cheap, average price, elite and super-premium. The parameters of these categories also change depending on the region.

In other words, an elite one in, for example, Voronezh will be considered a middling prostitute in Moscow and vice versa. Quite conditionally, we can distinguish the following limits: cheap - 500 rubles - 2500 per hour, average price 2,500-10,000 per hour, elite from 10 to 20 thousand per hour, the most premium from 20k and above.

I repeat, this is very conditional and the average for Russia (like in the joke "the average for the hospital"). In Moscow, for example, a price of 12k has long been considered normal, and super-premium has easily exceeded 50 thousand per hour. In St. Petersburg, the situation is simpler, the average price is about 6-8 thousand per hour, and the elite can easily work for 10-15. In general, here it is as conditional as possible and it would be good to consider each region separately.

Prostitutes / Escorts / Sex / Ukraine / Lugansk

At the meeting place. Everything is simple here:

  • In their apartment. Individual girls work mainly in an apartment that they rent specifically for meetings.

  • Outcall. If a girl goes out, then where - baths, saunas, hotels, apartments, offices. Many courtesans go out exclusively to hotels, for example.

  • Auto. Some girls provide services directly in the car, usually these are road prostitutes, they are also called "shoulder". But often elite escorts are also ready for such an experience. In general, the elite are ready for a lot and are accustomed to a lot, because their clientele is quite eccentric.

  • Intimate salon (brothel). Everything is logical here, brothel girls receive clients in the brothel itself, often go out (with a security guard-driver) to apartments, hotels and saunas.

  • Escort. Yes, escort is also a kind of meeting place. Accompaniment on a trip, a trip to the theater / cinema / restaurant with an elite escort model is a common occurrence. With a sequel, of course.

Type of services

This is more complicated, because the services that prostitutes provide are a great variety, from classic intimacy to extreme and hardcore BDSM. I will not describe all the categories here - there are specialized sites, everything is detailed and with pictures. Most of those reading this text are most likely interested in regular intimacy, perhaps a/s or light BDSM, I doubt that there are more than 1% of those wishing to receive, for example, copro or looking for a meeting with a tranny.

Dispatchers, brothels, pimps, prostitutes and escort agents usually use several types of advertising at once - they advertise under other people's photos on sites with poor moderation or without it at all. On sites where fakes are prohibited - I placet real photos, spam in messengers and buy bots to find clients on dating sites. My opinion is very simple - prostitutes should only be looked for on specialized sites with good moderation.

Working conditions

Sex work in Lugansk occurs in various forms - from street prostitution to services provided via the Internet and elite escort agencies. Working conditions vary greatly depending on the level of organization and the client's income:

  1. Street prostitution. Women working on the streets face the most difficult conditions: cold, insecurity, constant fear of the police and clients who may be aggressive.
  2. Work via the Internet Many girls choose a safer way - providing services through social networks or specialized sites. However, there are risks here, including extortion and threats from clients.
  3. Escort. There are women in Luhansk working in the elite escort segment. Although this type of work may be less dangerous, it requires considerable effort to maintain a certain appearance and meet the expectations of clients.

Dangers of the Profession of Escort/Prostitutes

Prostitutes face numerous risks on a daily basis that can threaten their health, life, and well-being:

Physical violence: Clients or pimps may use force if something goes wrong.

Health problems. Lack of access to medical care and prevention of infectious diseases makes sex workers vulnerable to serious health problems.

Harassment by law enforcement agencies. Even though prostitution is not criminalized, women often face administrative fines and sometimes more serious forms of pressure.

Stigmatization. Society often treats them with disdain, which deprives them of the opportunity to integrate into normal social life.

Behind each woman engaged in prostitution there is her own story - often tragic. For example, 32-year-old Anna (name changed) began sex work after she was left homeless and unemployed as a result of the conflict in the region. “I just wanted to survive and could not find another way out,” she says. Another example is Olga, who worked as a teacher, but due to low wages and debts, was forced to look for alternative sources of income.

Prostitutes / Escorts / Sex / Ukraine / Lugansk

Many women engaged in prostitution dream of the opportunity to leave this type of activity. However, this requires conditions that include:

  1. Education and retraining. Training programs for women from crisis categories can be the first step to a new life.

  2. Social support. The creation of rehabilitation centers and psychological support programs is an important tool for returning to normal life.

  3. Changing public attitudes. Eliminating stigma and bias can help women integrate into society without judgment.