AEMET warning: Spain will be covered by DANA

19 June
AEMET warning: Spain will be covered by DANA
AEMET warning: Spain... image

Spain will be covered by DANA: get ready for thunderstorms and mud rains!

Formation of DANA over the Atlantic

An isolated depression at altitude (DANA) has formed over the Atlantic, west of Galicia. This atmospheric phenomenon is of considerable concern, as by Thursday it will reach the central regions of Spain, bringing with it heavy rains and thunderstorms.

Thermal contrast and its consequences

At an altitude of about 5,500 meters, the temperature dropped to -20...-22 °C, which creates a significant thermal contrast. This sharp temperature drop in the upper atmosphere contributes to the formation of powerful thunderclouds. In the coming hours, residents of the central regions of Spain will face intense rainfall and thunderstorms.

The DANA movement and its impact

On Thursday night and Friday morning, DANA will move to the northeast, cross the Pyrenees and appear over France. This will increase instability in the Mediterranean regions, causing thunderstorms and sand showers. In this regard, it is not recommended to wash the car and hang laundry outside, as mud rains can stain everything around.

Forecast for the Mediterranean coast and the Balearic Islands

Tomorrow morning, residents of the Mediterranean coast and the Balearic Islands will see the sky covered with clouds and dust. Dry thunderstorms are possible in the regions of Murcia, Valencia and Catalonia, in which rain may evaporate before it reaches the ground. However, all precipitation that does reach the surface will be dirty, creating additional inconvenience for local residents.

Localized thunderstorms and warnings

Localized thunderstorms with heavy rains are possible again in Murcia and Valencia after noon on Wednesday. On Thursday night, a new wave of dry thunderstorms with mud rains is expected, especially on the southeastern coast and the Balearic Islands. These weather conditions can create difficult situations on the roads and lead to local flooding.

AEMET Warnings

Spain's National Meteorological Agency (AEMET) has already issued yellow warnings for the northern part of Castellon due to possible precipitation of up to 20 l/m2 per hour. Unexpected showers are also possible in other parts of Valencia, so locals are advised to be especially careful and keep an eye on weather forecast updates.