Increase in mosquito-borne diseases raises concern in southern Europe
Mosquito-borne diseases have experienced a remarkable increase in the last decade, going from being an extremely residual problem to a growing concern, especially in southern Europe. This week, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) issued an alert message to the expectation of a record number of dengue infections, driven by an unprecedented outbreak of this disease in South America.
Alert for dengue and other diseases
Dengue, a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes, has spread with greater intensity in tropical and subtropical regions, but the recent outbreak in South America has raised the risk of contagion in Europe, especially in areas with climatic conditions conducive to the proliferation of mosquitoes. The concern focuses on the ability of these mosquitoes to transmit the virus to travelers returning from affected areas, as well as their potential to establish and multiply in new regions due to climate change.
Increase in Nile fever
In addition to dengue, West Nile fever has shown a significant increase in recent years. This virus, transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Culex, has found in the spring rains an ideal environment for its spread. The regions of Andalusia and Extremadura in Spain have been particularly affected, with climatic conditions that favor the development of mosquito larvae and, therefore, the transmission of the virus.
Contributing factors and preventive measures
Rising temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns have created a more favorable environment for mosquito breeding in Europe. The ECDC stresses the importance of intensifying prevention and control measures, such as active surveillance of mosquito populations, the implementation of fumigation campaigns and public awareness about the elimination of possible mosquito breeding grounds in urban and rural areas.
Outbreak preparedness and response
Health authorities are strengthening early detection and rapid response systems to potential outbreaks. Citizens are advised to take personal preventive measures, such as the use of insect repellents, protective clothing and the installation of mosquito nets on windows and doors. Information campaigns are also being promoted to raise awareness among the population about the symptoms of these diseases and the importance of seeking immediate medical attention in case of suspected infection.