The "unfriendly" President of Argentina

20 May
The "unfriendly" President of Argentina
The "unfriendly" Pre... image

The scandal between Spain and Argentina

A serious diplomatic scandal broke out between Spain and Argentina after the speech of Argentine President Javier Miley at the congress of right-wing political forces organized by the leader of the Spanish Vox party in Madrid. During his speech, Miley made harsh remarks about the chairman of the Spanish government, Pedro Sanchez, and accused his wife Begonia Gomez of corruption. This incident has caused unprecedented tension in relations between the two countries.

Spain's reaction

On Monday, Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares summoned the Argentine ambassador to Spain, demanding a public apology from Miley. Albares said that the words of the Argentine president transcend any political and ideological differences and are unprecedented in the history of international relations. According to him, despite the hospitality provided by the Spanish government, Miley reacted with a "frontal attack", which is unacceptable.

"It is unacceptable for the current president to insult Spain and the President of Spain during his visit to Spain," Albares stressed. He also said that he called the Spanish ambassador in Buenos Aires for consultations and contacted parliamentary representatives of all parties, with the exception of the People's Party and Vox, who declined to comment on the situation.

Argentina's position

The Argentine government promptly responded to the demands of the Spanish side, stating that there would be no apology. This has only increased the tension in diplomatic relations between the two countries. Javier Miley did not show a desire to meet with representatives of the current Spanish government, which also did not contribute to mitigating the conflict.

Possible consequences

This incident threatens diplomatic relations between Spain and Argentina, which until recently were considered quite stable. The summoning of ambassadors for consultations indicates the seriousness of the conflict and may lead to further diplomatic sanctions or measures.

Thus, the diplomatic scandal between Spain and Argentina is gaining momentum, and it is still unclear how the situation will be resolved. One thing is clear: relations between the two countries are on the verge of a serious rupture, and it will take a lot of effort on both sides to restore trust.